The Civilized Solution
SafeSmart Aviation has a deep understanding of the civil aviation industry, and the regulations that apply to ground support equipment all around the world. From the UK’s HSE to the US’s OSHA and beyond, all of SafeSmart Aviation’s aircraft maintenance platforms are designed and built to comply.
We have a finger on the pulse in anticipation of new models of aircraft from all major manufacturers, so we can build and develop maintenance access solutions that suit the aircraft exactly before an airline acquires them. Our process is to conduct onsite measuring and design, however we are also able to work with the aircraft manufacturer’s drawings and specifications that will inform our designs before the aircraft rolls off the production line.
All fixed-wing aircraft manufactured for civil use are accommodated for in our current designs. See our aircraft selector to see if your needs are catered for. If what you are after isn’t in the list, we can custom build anything to get your ground crew as close to the working area as possible, without the platform touching sensitive parts of the aircraft – an essential trait that makes sure that no ‘minor’ depression in the skin creates major damage at speed in the sky.
Defense on the Ground
For any defense force, maintenance is crucial to a fleet that is required to be ready to stand and deliver. Of course, back at base, ground maintenance safety regulations can be adhered to in a static hangar or ramp. But in combat zones or temporary airfields, upholding these standards can be a challenge.
With SafeSmart Aviation’s products, lightweight yet robust aluminum designs that can be quickly dismantled or folded means that safety for engineers, mechanics and technicians can be maintained while working at height anywhere in the world. And again, SafeSmart Aviation’s knowledge of military fixed-wing aircraft is second to none.
See our aircraft selector, or contact a representative from anywhere in the world to help bring safety and efficiency to the maintenance workspace.
Ask About Our Fixed-wing Aircraft Maintenance Platforms
Whether you’re in procurement for civil, commercial or defense aviation, contact us for consultations and custom solutions for your workshop.